Huckleberry Springs returns!

 Hi everyone!

I'm excited to announce that as of Christmas 2023, my blogging journey continues, this time under the blog name Huckleberry Springs. I've been thinking about returning to the collectors community for a long time now, but it's been an on again off again sort of thing for me. I'm 14 now, and my family and I have been happily settled into our new home for over a year now, the pandemic has really calmed down and everything stressful in my life and probably many other's lives as well circa 2020/2021 has ended.

It was about a month ago that I started really getting back into Sylvanians. I still have my entire collection, and my little sister, who is now 6 years old since August, has been beginning to collect as well. Sylvanians are her favourite toys, and we come up with many fun stories and scenes together--with all our pieces combined, it's impossible to run out of ideas.

I'll admit that my sister is probably the one person that keeps me interested in Sylvanians. It's not that otherwise I wouldn't like them, but I'm assuming I wouldn't return to blogging if it wasn't for her. It's a pretty cheesy thing to say, but it's almost as if I'm seeing everything through her eyes--it's all new, all exciting again.

Christmas and the New Year approaches. Last Christmas was uneventful to say the least. Yes, it was our first Christmas in our new home, but it was pretty low-key. We were still getting settled and getting used to our place, and we didn't plan anything big. My gifts were all practical ones--clothes, bedroom decor, LED lights etc.. This year, though, I'm planning for things to be different.

I was very inspired by Nina, who runs the lovely blog At The Periwinkles', since she was the first Sylvanian collector blog I ever found and loved. I began reading my sister her stories, and she fell in love immediately with all the tiny miniatures, characters and fimo creations.

Last night, I checked up on Nina's blog, just for fun. My sister wanted a bedtime story and we agreed that a Jemima tale would suit perfectly. When I opened the blog, to my amazement and surprise, Nina had posted finally, after years of hiatus! It was such a magical event, since this Christmas, inspired by her, I was finally getting something that had been on my miniature wishlist for years--a Lundby dolls house.

That day I had also been planning to write her an email asking how she was and telling her about the dollhouse. It was a pretty crazy coincidence! I also saw the post posted on December 1st--the time in Germany--while here in Canada we were still November 30th! It was almost as if I saw it before time!

This little incident has given me the courage to try blogging again. Nina is a great example. I'm not sure if she plans on posting plenty or just once every while, but her very random little story has been quite a blessing to me :)

So I may not be quite as active as I was on the collectors forum, or commencing with creative challenges every month with the same rigidity as before, and I may post less frequently then when I first started back in 2019 (I was 10!!!). I'll try to read up on everyone's stories best I can--Cutata, Jackson Butterglove, Ayrell, GreyRabbit, possibly Nina and of course many others--and I look forward to this new beginning!

You were all a huge chunk of my life back in 2019! I like to joke with my family that I have already 'infiltrated the system' and that I'll never have to worry about getting back in to the community. So hopefully that is true!

Here is the link to my new blog:

I'll probably tinker with the look for a while till I find something I'm happy with.

I love you all!

Best wishes and Happy Holidays!

Hugs, Emilie


  1. Welcome back, Emilie! I look forward to reading more of your stories. Maybe your little sister will give you ideas!

    Take care, and have a wonderful festive season!

  2. Hi Emilie!

    I´m happy to hear from you again after such a long time!

    It´s great you have the intention to be back blogging again. Lovely to hear your little sister is the main reason you´re going to get back into this hobby. I´m sure she´ll enjoy helping you set up scenes and listen to your stories.

    I also fell in love with the Lundby doll house when I saw it in Nina´s blog. Unfortunately, it´s too big and I don´t have much room in my flat.

    Can´t wait to find a new post in your blog!

    Warm wishes and Happy Holidays!

  3. Dear Emilie!

    What a lovely blog post! Thank you also for your kind words concerning my own blog!

    Please say hi again to your sister from me and let her know that I wrote a little Christmas/New Year's story featuring Fudge.

    Hugs and kisses from Jemima and the gang and me.


  4. Hi Emilie!

    So happy to read you're back to blogging, and I'm honored to see my name on the list of stories you want to catch up on. :) I haven't written many lately, sadly; I've been a bit out of the loop with the hobby, but I still love Sylvanians and enjoy playing with them.

    It sounds like you and your sister are very close. I love that you're finding your joy in the hobby again through her. I'm sure you both will be sharing lots of wonderful moments together and with your Sylvanians.

    A Lundby house! Huge congrats! Can't wait to see it furnished on your new blog. I'll be adding it to my links as soon as I can. :)

    Hope you had a wonderful start to the new year!


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