Art School
Hi readers! This post is probably one of my happiest because I was well enough (being sick for the last few days) to actually participate in Challenge #4... Art and Artists. I don't know who to thank for this amazing luck, but other than a few coughs and a bit of a sore throat, I'm feeling really good! I had the ideas and I knew they wouldn't be too hard. Let's begin, anyways. On with things!!! **drumroll Cecilia Teak is a well-known songwriter so it all surprised us when the busy, well to do celebrity star decided to open an art school for toddlers and young children. The Art School, Budlings, was (in real life inspired by the wallpaper I used to liven up my diorama, hehe) created in November 2019 and is growing very popular among the residents of Huckleberry Springs. Each child is coming home with splendid results and an increase in talent. They all say they are having a lot of fun. Millie is, unfortunately, too old for the programme but as soon as Daisy...