Huckleberry Springs returns!
Hi everyone! I'm excited to announce that as of Christmas 2023, my blogging journey continues, this time under the blog name Huckleberry Springs. I've been thinking about returning to the collectors community for a long time now, but it's been an on again off again sort of thing for me. I'm 14 now, and my family and I have been happily settled into our new home for over a year now, the pandemic has really calmed down and everything stressful in my life and probably many other's lives as well circa 2020/2021 has ended. It was about a month ago that I started really getting back into Sylvanians. I still have my entire collection, and my little sister, who is now 6 years old since August, has been beginning to collect as well. Sylvanians are her favourite toys, and we come up with many fun stories and scenes together--with all our pieces combined, it's impossible to run out of ideas. I'll admit that my sister is probably the one person that keeps me interested...